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From Husband And Wife
To Lovers For Life!

“I read Maximum Marriage with delight and recommend it with joy!  I particularly appreciate its focus on an intentional investment in intimacy. It is rare for a Christ-honouring marriage book to balance biblical principles and brilliant practicality. Our good brothers, Steven and Gregory, have hit the mark. Maximum Marriage is deep with insight into the human workings of a marriage and decisively practical so couples can take steps toward maximizing their marriage with God’s help.”

~ Rev Edmund Chan, Leadership Mentor,
Covenant Evangelical Free Church and Founder,
Global Alliance of Intentional Disciple-making Churches

Praises for Maximum Marriage

“My close friend Gregory Slayton and his co-author Steven Chan have written a great book. I highly recommend Maximum Marriage for all couples, for we all need to continuously invest in each other and work to make our marriages all that God intended them to be. This wonderful book helps develop greater intimacy in five key areas: emotional, sexual, financial, spiritual, and recreational intimacy. Maximum Marriage also has “Making it Work” sections that gives couples practical and specific next steps in all five areas. I believe it will help you and your spouse as you put its principles into practice.”

~ Pat Gelsinger, CEO, VMware

 Author, Juggling Act: Bringing Balance to Your Faith, Family, and Work,

Founder and Chair, Transforming the Bay with Christ


"A Maximum Marriage is a sweet and blissful love. It is not inborn to our nature, but rather is to be cultivated. As the authors show us in page after page, God will help couples to have a Maximum Marriage, which we all would want to have once we see the light.


While we read this book together, as a couple, from cover to cover, we held each other’s hand in this fascinating journey. We are convinced that this book will help numerous couples in strengthening their marriage and their relationship with God. Blessings to the authors and to all readers of this important book. “

~ Bernard Yeung, Dean of National University of Singapore Business School and

 Jean Yeung, Director of Family and Population Research Centre and

Provost's Chair Professor of Sociology Department,

National University of Singapore


“Families need help, today, to heal and couples need to discover ways to reignite their passion and love for each other. Maximum Marriage is a great book that gives couples a pathway to build a marriage that will be stronger, deeper and more fulfilling.”

~ Bernard Lee

Chairman of M. Dialysis Sweden


“I had the privilege of meeting Ambassador Gregory Slayton when he spoke in one of our church’s family conferences. I have been personally blessed by his life and commitment to follow biblical principles and, as well, by his desire to help families grow stronger. Maximum Marriage is fun to read, motivational, and practical. The authors provoke spouses to move pass being just a husband and wife and toward being lovers for life. The book takes the readers through five levels of intimacy—Spiritual, Emotional, Sexual, Recreational, and Financial—and offers tools and exercises to help on each aspect. This book will help spouses enjoy life and their marriage, to make the most of it for the glory of God.”

~ Peter Tanchi, Senior Pastor

Christ's Commission Fellowship


“We highly recommend this great book from our friends Gregory Slayton and Steven Chan. All couples need help to build a Maximum Marriage — and this book is full of proven ways to move your own marriage forward. This is a fun, easy to read and deeply practical book that will help put your marriage back on the growth path. You will not be disappointed.”

~ Carl Thong, CEO, Sunstone Group and

 Jessie Tan-Thong, Managing Partner, Momenta


“As an educator and a pastor’s wife, I am always looking for resources that will heal broken marriages. Some of the marriages my husband and I have encountered are in such disrepair, only a miracle would heal and mend them. Maximum Marriage is that miracle and a great resource—insightful and practical. The book never waivers from encouraging all married couples, whatever the condition of their marriages, THEY CAN pursue a Maximum Marriage.”

~ Lisa A. Anderson

Educator, pastor’s wife, and homemaker


“Maximum Marriage is rich with wisdom and insight for every couple. It is a wonderful source of hope and encouragement that they, too, can have a great marriage.”

~ Glenn Yu, CEO, SEAOIL Philippines, Inc. and
Jacqueline Yu, CPA and full-time homemaker


“This is a great book for every couple who wants to build a great marriage. Steven and Gregory draw on their research and 50+ years of building their own Maximum Marriages to help husbands and wives move forward together. Every page offers practical steps and resources to help you learn more about your spouse and yourself, so that, together, you can build a Maximum Marriage. We can attest to the power of a Maximum Marriage in helping a husband and wife and their children succeed together in life.”

~ Tan Tek Seng, Chairman of 3P Systems Malaysia and
Tinkie Tan, Prayer Coordinator for Family First Malaysia


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